Sunday, February 8, 2009

Autism in the Media

My Tivo is filled with prime time shows incorporating autistic chacters into their cast or story line. The newest cast member of Grey’s Anatomy , Dr. Dixon a celebrated cardiac surgeon is an example of how autism is moving into mainstream entertainmen (Not to mention the controversial showing of Private Practice’s take on the autism and the vaccine connection). As the numbers in autism diagnosis continues to climb autism is receiving more attention in big-name Hollywood hits as well as documentaries; from the 1988 classic Rain Man to the Temple Granding project to star Clair Danes. These apperance are bringin autism to the general public. However, at times these characterizations are positive and uplifting and other times they can create quite a negative stigma for those with an the autism community. For example, Rain Man is responsible for the general assumption that individuals with an autism spectrum disorder are either great at math or have a thing for numbers. The character, Raymond Babbitt, was actually an autistic savant and very rare in the autism community.
Whether you are a family directly effected by autism or someone wanting to get a better idea of the wide specturm of individual with autism, I recommend you renting one of the many titles listed below:

1962 - To kill a Mockingbird

1972 - A day in the death of Joe Egg

1974 - Silence

1977- Cube

1980 - Touched by Love

1981 - The Pit

1988 - Rain Man

1989 - The Wizard

1993 - Family Pictures

1993- AuPair

1994 -Nell

1996 - George

1997 - Mimic

1997 -Possum

1997 - Cube

1998 - I Am Sam

1999 - Molly

2000 - Dancer in the dark
2003 – Milwaukee, Minnesota

2004 - Miracle Run
2004 – The Hawk is Dying
2004- Gaurding Eddy

2005 - Mozart and the whale
2005- Fielder’s Choice
2006 - Snow Cake
2006 - House of Cards

2007 - BenX

2008 - Clay Marzo: Just Add Water

******************************In the Works Stay Tuned*****************************
2009 - Adam
Temple Grandin project 'Ant Boy' and 'Silent hero'
Mary and Max

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