Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Taking it on the Road: Tip 2

Tip #2 Call or Google ahead to locate Health Food Store availability.

This tip might be in the wrong order and may be best as number one - that is because we won't go anywhere or plan a trip before we have this tip taken care of. Finding a good source for all your needs is vital to a successful vacation. We google and call the store directly with our list of needed items. If this is done with adequate enough time the store can order items that they don't normally carry. This is a great win-win for you and the store. You don't have to pack a whole lot of food from home and when you arrive at the store all your goods are packed and ready for pick up. The store wins with your business and your customer satisfaction.
This is a great source for locating a wide range of health food stores from the giants of Whole Foods to the tiny corner shop:

If you are one of the lucky ones who can do resturants without negative side effects you can check out this website to find a GF (not necessarliy DF) resturant for your family dinning pleasure.

I also recommend locating the local farmers markets. This has been a great money and time saver for our fresh produce, as well as a fun outing for the whole family.

Taking it on the Road: Tip 1

We are gluten-free, dairy-free, corn-free, soy-free, egg-free, rice-free, and stress-free as we vacation in Nevada today. So what am I doing writing a post when I am suppose to be on vacation? I am having such a nice time with my husband and two great kids as they frolic in the dessert sun in the crystal blue pool water at the Cancun resort. Their smiles warm my heart more than the hot Nevada sun as they splash off the water slides for the 100th time. I think to myself how blessed we are to be on vacation despite the challenges of dietary implementation.
I think this is amazing that we are on vacation with a special needs child with severe food allergies, multiple nutricuticle needs and no predictable routine and we are having FUN!. We have come a long way over the past 8 years of biomedical and behavioral treatments and days like this are proof that consistant work pays off. This is our second family vacation (not including visits to family) where we take the show on the road. And I thought to myself...I wish others with kids with dietary and biomedical needs could experience the joy and thrill of making lasting family memories despite it all. For this reason I am writing - To share tips that may encourage families to take the show on the road. It will prove to be rewarding and freeing for the whole family.

Take the time to plan your vacation location and destination with your entire family. Post pictures of the location and talk daily about fun things you are hoping to do together (don't set anything in don't want to build false hopes and grounds for serious meltdowns). Talk about the plane trip. What kind of plane will you be traveling on, what to expect in the airport security, and who gets the window seat. Play airport, show pictures of the ports you will be passing through (direct flights are best). We always enjoy watching videos of possible attractions, airplane rides and vacation related things on YouTube (you will be amazed on the helpful things you can find. We spent a great deal of time watching subways and monorails for vacation preparation once).
If you are traveling by car, mark a map and highlight cities you will stop in along with the attractions. Look at pictures of each city on the internet as well as the hotels you will be staying at. We always make sure we stay at ones with pools (and in the cooler months indoor pools are a must).
Whatevery type of transportation you decided to take this vacation, preparation can help increase enthusiasm and reduce stress for most. It brings a sense of partnership and ownership to the entire family in regards to vacation planning.

Mark your calendar and start counting the days together. The anticipation can be half of the fun!